Monday, January 23, 2012

4 Months Old!

Dear Kate,
You are 4 months old!!! Can you believe it?
You are just as happy as ever, and I'm pretty sure these pictures prove it! We went to the doctor today and he said the same thing! You just laughed and laughed at Dr. Lee. And you healthy healthy healthy! You weighed 15 lbs 8oz (that's the 75% range) and you are 26.25 inches!!! That's 97+%!!! He asked me how tall Daddy was and I explained that it wasn't so much Daddy's side of the family as it was Mommy's because your Great-Grandaddy is like 6'5 and Uncle Bubba is 6'4 and Aunt Ash-ash is 5'11ish! I also told him I wasn't shocked because your big sister is tall, tall, tall!
So, all in all, you are perfect! You officially moved to your own bed/bedroom last night. You have been sleeping in your cradle in Mommy's room until we got a video monitor and FINALLY we got one AND got it set up, so last night, sniff, sniff, we put you down in your bed. Of course, with no problems because you are still the rock star sleeper. At 4 I have to rock you for a total of 2 minutes on most nights, but I'll take it considering the rest of the night is easy breezy. I only had to check the monitor 3 times, too :)
You love the exersaucer most days, or I should say, most times during the day, but I've learned there are moments when I do NOT put you in there! Your sister LOVES to make you laugh and you LOVE to laugh at her. It's pretty funny, I have to say. You just look at her and start laughing! Daddy tries to make you laugh at every given moment, and most of the times succeeds, and of course I've got a few tricks up my sleeve! You are still super happy and people constantly compliment how happy or how laid back you are. I smile every time because I am SO thankful for that!
You also love the Baby Bjorn - this thing...
And I get A LOT of stuff done with you in it! You also had a little photo shoot the other day when Mimi popped in town...
Mimi's been dying to take your picture in this hat since you got it for Christmas! I'd say you have a modeling career ahead of you for sure. I mean come on, look how precious you are!!
You've rolled over a couple more times, again though, no consistency. We're working on it though. Sarah came and visited you (us!) for the weekend and got to spend some bonding time with you, too. The three of us went shopping together while your sister was at school. Your sister can hog Sarah's attention, but she is her BFF after all. And believe it or not Mimi came BACK up for a visit! This time she brought your cousins Em and Katie with her. Katie was a big help and even offered to feed you! Em just loved holding you, and of course playing 'babies' and 'house' with Sister. They got into your diapers and were putting them on!!! And Em liked cuddling with you...
Sister still can't keep her hands off your head!!!
And then your Uncle Martin and Aunt Amy came in town on Saturday night and brought Caroline. It was Uncle M's big 4-0 so the adults went to a nice dinner and Mimi watched all y'all including Ellie. So you, Sister, Em, Ellie and Caroline! But before we left, you got a little dancing in with your Uncle Martin...
He's such a sucker for babies!!!
All in all, a great month baby girl! You are growing, growing, growing, and I love each and every new day with you! Love you!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 Months Old!

Dear Kate,
On December 19th, you turned 3 months old! Oh my how time flies when you're having fun!!!
At 3 months old, you are quite impressive. You are holding your head up really well, and just love to grin, grin, grin! You are still just an excellent sleeper, continuing to go to bed around 8:30 and sleeping until 7, 7:30 and every now and then, 8:30 without waking up! Love you for that, no doubt. Occasionally you start fidgeting around 4 in the morning, but I just put a paci in and life is good. Although a couple times you've found that thumb and go back to sleep on your own! We've never had a thumb sucker, but I'm pretty positive you're getting there. Even during the day you suck on your thumb!!!
You are also a good eater, eating about every 3+ hours during the day, about 5-6 ounces each time. You love your sister without a doubt and somehow can handle her roughness, all with a smile! You've rolled over a couple times, but I just can't count it as officially 'rolling over' because you haven't done it consecutively enough for me. Yeah, I'm hard core, I know :) But you have rolled over. Oh and man alive, you HAVE to be strapped in your bouncy seat or you will fly right on out of there, arching your back and all. And you love the bumbo, because it sits you up and lets you see the world and eye level, or at least a little better eye level than the ground.
Over all, you continue to be perfect, maybe even rising above perfection!!! Daddy and Mommy love you SOOO much!!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Your 12 Days of Christmas - Part 2

Dear Kate,
The fun continues...
On your 7th Day of Christmas you spent the night at Sarahs!!!
Mimi had some errands to run (read "take a break from all of us!!) so me, you and Abs hung out in our jammies all morning. Sarah got off work and Mimi got back from running errands so Sarah and I took your big sister to burn off some energy while you and Mimi bonded. But when we got home, you and I went and picked up pizza and headed to Sarah's house! Mimi was having Em and little Sarah at her house so I knew the 2 of us were better off somewhere else! You did great at Sarah's and got to sleep in the same bed as Mommy! I was a little nervous about rolling on you, but Sarah gave us her big bed, so not an issue! A nice, relaxing day for you baby girl.
On your 8th Day of Christmas we celebrated at Papa Rob's!
On Friday, Daddy finally made it in town! Hooray!!! And, we had our first Christmas of the weekend to attend at Papa Rob's house. Gramma and Papa Rob had all kinds of yummy food to munch on, and the whole fam joined in, including Miss Ida and Mr. Ron and they brought Madison! And Uncle Charlie stopped by to get a good look at you. He was a little disasppointed I didn't name you Theatrix or something weird like that, but he said Kate worked, and the middle name was perfect! You were, as usual, perfect and everyone had their fair share of holding you. The older kiddos ran around like crazy, but you were rather calm, which was nice. Before we knew it, it was present time, but you were so calm and quiet, Papa Rob forgot to give you his present and stocking!! Don't worry, Mommy questioned where your present was and soon enough you were presented with reindeer ears...
Ha! You also got a very stylish pink polka dot high chair/shopping cart cover, which will be coming in handy sooner than later as you are holding your head up so good these days! Everyone had a good time playing with their new toys, but soon we headed home to get some sleep.

On your 9th Day of Christmas you officially met ALL the McCormicks!
To start Christmas Eve off (yes, we're finally at Christmas eve!!) we headed down to Mammmaw's for a delicous lunch that we all prepared. It was nice since we weren't going to have a true Christmas dinner (as we did apps at Papa Robs and are doing apps at Mimi's), and it was nice because practically the whole family came and everyone had a good time playing whether it was the kiddos playing with each other or the adults challenging each other in trivial pursuit, vegas style! After we left Mammaws, we headed over to Sarah's aunt's house for their annual family Christmas dinner (again, apps!) and you got to offiically meet everyone! You were NOT particularly fond of Blair for some reason, even though she has had her fair share of dealings with a "Kate" BUT you were VERY fond of Ryan, Katie's hubbie. Hey, I don't blame you. I'm pretty fond of him myself, but don't tell Daddy. Well, you can. I'm pretty sure Daddy recognizes how pretty he is, too!!! You'd just smile away at him, giggling, acting all shy, then Blair would get you and you'd just cry!!!! We all got a good laugh out of it and a week or so later we did find out that it was nothing personal because Blair and Bebe babysat you while Mommy attended a funeral. She said you were happy as can be, so it must have just been that you preferred Ryan and since he wasn't available, well, you were fine with whomever :)
After the McCormicks Christmas, we headed to Mimi's to get ready for Santa Claus!!! Read "get ready to go to bed ASAP"! A great Christmas Eve...


On your 10th Day of Christmas Santa came to visit!!!!
Oh my!! For being 3 months old, you sure did make a good impression with Santa Claus!
Mommy and Daddy had a little something, too, but nothing like you two...
Your big sis woke up a little earlier than normal, but you continued to sleep for a little bit longer.
Look at all that fun stuff! A bean bag of your own, and blocks and oh my, your own computer just like your sister...
Your sis had fun showing you her presents, too...
She helped you look through your stocking, too...
And you both got soccer balls!!! Yours is a lot more plushy, though :)
After going through all your loot, you gots a little hungry so Mimi took a little break from evaluating all the toys to fill your belly with some goodness...
And of course, the best thing to do with a full belly is sleep :)
After everyone cleaned up (or got a nap in!) we headed down to Mammaw's for our annual Christmas breakfast. Again, EVERYONE was down there, and super excited. The kiddos were all in their jammies (as usual) and were ready to open presents the second we walked in (as usual). Everyone talked about what they got from Santa and we ate a yummy yummy breakfast. You'll be sitting up there will all the girls soon enough!
And then FINALLY it was time to hand out the presents.
You, again, made out pretty darn good with a new wagon, and enough room for your sister, too! I can't wait to push you around in it, and I'm POSITIVE your sister can't wait either!!
Your cousin Sydney REALLY loved playing with you, to the point where she started asking for a baby sister for Christmas. I kind of pushed that a little bit :) Of course, her big sis wanted a bunny at the last second. I think they may not have gotten everything they wanted for Christmas but I bet they made out just fine...
And of course Mimi couldn't get her hands off you either!
But at the end, it was always Sydney wanting to love on you!
She needs a little sister, huh. We all had so much fun playing, and laughing and talking and goofing off, all on Christmas morning! What a great way to start off Christmas Day!
On the 11th Day of Christmas you got even more presents from Mimi!!!
I know, I know, it's not another day, but we had 2 big events on Christmas day, so I thought I'd separate them out. After we left Mammaws, Mommy and Mimi got food ready for that afternoon/evening at Mimi's house while you napped it up...
Soon enough you were awake and the food was smellin' good! Although, I will add that Mimi's oven went out when we had a couple more things to cook. Sausage balls should not have taken 1 1/2 to cook! Not surprising at all, we had plenty of food even with the oven breaking!
We did things a little different this year, since everyone had a little different schedule. We decided to do all appetizers and everyone could eat at their own will rather making everyone eat at 5:30 even if you just ate at 1! It worked out perfectly, other than we ate and ate and ate all night long! Of course, you knew no difference and just enjoyed everyone's company...
Once everyone arrived, we immediately took pictures...
Mimi and Pic-pic and ALL the grandkids!
And your big sis always trying to pet her baby sister!
Here's our family of four - just perfect, huh!
And Mammaw and Pawpaw and the GREAT grandkids!
Soon enough we passed out the monsoon amount of presents to everyone and while we TRIED to get you kiddos to open one at a time (so we could see what you got, take pictures, etc.) there was no chance of that actually happening! Well, you waited patiently, it was all those other kiddos!! Again, some awesome presents including a kitchen and a pink elephant that spits balls out of it's nose!! We had fun fun fun opening presents and tons more fun hanging out afterwards. You actually stayed up pretty late for some reason but finally you conked out. I think we all were a little wound up that night! But oh so fun!!
On your 12th day of Christmas, you partied it up on New Year's Eve with the gang!!!!
And by "party it up" I mean hung out in your bouncy seat with the other babies! Look how precious y'all are. Gonna be the best of friends, too!
Oh, yeah, so Christmas day came and went, and you may have noticed that nothing was in there in regards to the gang. Well, a LONG time ago, we decided we'd do our Christmas on New Year's Eve AND in our brand spankin' new house! More on the house later BUT we finally moved on Thursday, Mommy had to leave town on Friday (where you got to hang out with Blair and Bebe!!) and on Saturday we threw a New Year's Eve party for the whole gang!!! We are indeed straight up crazy. No doubt. But that's just how we roll.
So the gang all came over around 6 where we had dinner ready for the kiddos AND you were all in your matching pajamas! Instead of matching Christmas outfits, this year we decided to do Christmas pajamas, which, if I do say so myself, was a fantastic idea! The big kids ate and then played, or maybe vice versa, or really not much eating, just lots of playing, but soon enough it was time for pictures!!!
Now, remember - 7 kiddos this time! S-E-V-E-N! and 3 were under 6 months and the other 4 were 3 and under!
Considering the obvious, I think we got a pretty good shot! Or maybe the mommies have just lowered our expectations of pictures of all the kids!! Whatever the reason, you guys sure are cutie pies and are loved loved loved by your big sister/brother.
After pictures, Mimi took you and Abs and Ellie to the rental house for one last night, while the adults brought in the New Year adult style! Apparently you did not want to leave the party and cried the whole way home, to the point where Mimi had to pull over a couple times. A bottle satisfied you, but I'm pretty sure Mimi needed a different kind of bottle after that ride! All in all, what a great way to wrap up our holiday season and bring in the new year - with our bestests of friends!!
Merry Christmas baby girl - Merry Merry Christmas! What a great first Christmas for you and many many many more to come! Love you SOOO much!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Your 12 Days of Christmas - Part 1

Dear Kate,
What a wonderful first Christmas and holiday season you just celebrated with family and friends galore! While you may not remember or even know what all this fuss is about in regards to the holidays, one day you will know and know how truly blessed you are. Here's the low down on your first Christmas season...
On your 1st Day of Christmas we got Christopher! (December 16th)
All week long we had been wondering if we were going to be able to celebrate Christmas this year with our Clark family. Aunt Amy and Uncle Martin and the kiddos are heading to England on Sunday until the new year, and, we're kind of doing a similar trip, except we're headed to Munford on Sunday. I'd say England and Munford are pretty similar, right? Anyway, so we're out of town the week of Christmas, the Ings are out, and Aunt Steph is major preggo with Christopher, and was due December 14th. We've known for a while now about everyone going out of town so we planned ahead and decided we'd do our family Christmas on December 16th. Totally assuming Christopher would be here. And, unfortunately our house isn't ready, so Uncle Jaybee said we'd just do it at their house, because we all assumed Christopher would be here. Has anyone ever told you what happens when you assume??? Well, it makes for a hectic week. So C's not here, it's Wednesday, the party is supposed to be Friday and we don't know what to do. So, we just decide to just go with the flow, you know, last minute decide where 18 people are going to get together to eat/celebrate Christmas. SO - Friday comes and there is no Christopher, so we're having a party at Aunt Steph - yes, the one who was due 2 days ago. Of course, she calls that morning and says she's having contractions but not to really tell anyone because we just want to see what happens. Time goes by, the contractions slow up a bit as she moves around and prepares for a party at her house, and we arrive around 4:00. Within, oh, I'd say 20 minutes, I had NO DOUBT we were going to meet Christopher that night. Aunt Steph seemed calm and collect, as she always is, playing it down, just taking a knee when a contraction would come, or just sit down quietly, hoping no one was looking. Thankfully (and kind of unthankfully) the rest of the family was really late, so they didn't bug her too much, but once everyone got there, we immediately went straight to eating. Well, most of us did. About this time the contractions were 5 minutes apart and we were all getting a little concerned. We all kind of piece mealed our meal, between checking on Steph, checking on the kiddos, just getting things loaded in the car, etc. Finally, she called the doc and immediately got in the car. I wasn't in the car, but have been told they've never made it to that hospital in better time. Apparently Christopher wanted to join our family celebration. They arrived at the hospital and 45 minutes later, a beautiful baby boy was born!
Unfortunately, Aunt Steph didn't make in time for all the good drugs, but, as expected, she rocked it out (or rather him) with no problem. Meantime, we're all on pins and needles, waiting waiting waiting, thinking they'd get there, get her situated, maybe another couple hours, etc. We got a text from Uncle Jaybee that said "We made it" and 45 minutes later we got a text that said "He's here!" along with a picture!! To say the least, we were all in complete shock!!!
We're so excited to have a new baby in our family, especially a boy after all these girls lately!!! We owe baby Christopher a special thanks for holding out until we all were together (and maybe a little thanks to Aunt Steph, too!)
She may never speak to me for posting this, but just to have some evidence that she truly was in labor, and her 'coach' was right there supporting her!!
And when Auntie Jill wasn't counting, she was making sure her sweet Kate was well fed...
And your cousin Alexis was on constant watch, ensuring no one (i.e. your sister and cousins!) were harming you...
While we waited on any news regarding Aunt Steph, we decided to open presents and you got your first diamond, a diamond rattle at that. Yes, it's plastic, but it's so glamorous :)
Everyone but Mommy and you kidddos ventured to the hospital to meet Christopher, but we were forced to wait until the next day - boo!!! All in all, not our typical Clark Christmas, but what a great Christmas present!!
On your 2nd Day of Christmas we celebrated with our own little family!
On Saturday, we woke up and had breakfast with Nona and Papa and headed back to our house to get spiffed up for our little family Christmas. Since we don't get to wake up in our house or even have a few moments alone during Christmas, we do our own little Christmas, regardless of the fact it's a week before the big day!! This year, we decided to go to Maggiano's, the yummy Italian restaurant in Nashville. First things first, we HAD to go meet Christopher!
He's just 3 months younger, but he's got some catching up to do, huh!
After the meet and greet, we headed to the restaurant where you slept for a few minutes but then you ate dinner, too! And you were so good, both my girls were so good. I couldn't have been prouder!
After dinner, we headed home to open presents. You of course were a little limited on opening presents, so your big sis stepped in...
You did pretty darn good, if I do say so myself, including matching outfits for you and your sister, which she was super pumped about and you got a lovely book from Abs, it was her fave when she was a baby like you - Lullabye, Lullabye. And you were sweet to give your sister a snow globe with a picture of you and her on the day you were born. So thoughtful sweet Kate...
And, Mommy and Daddy didn't do too bad either, with new bikes and a new tool box thing and I even got pj's for Christmas morning! Your enthusiasm wasn't quite like your sister's, but I bet in a year or 2, you will be just as excited about matching outfits :) We headed to bed soon after and were ready to head to Munford by that next morning...
On your 3rd Day of Christmas we saw Papa Rob in a play!
Sunday morning we woke up and started some major duty packing. We were headed to Munford (i.e. Mimi's) for nine days - that's right - NINE days! We've got all kinds of stuff planned, but first on the list is to see a play that your very own Papa Rob starred in. For the last couple of years, Papa Rob has been involved in his church Christmas program, with last year being the main star. This year he had a pretty decent part, too, and so I decided to let your sister watch it, rather than go to the nursery. What was I thinking you ask? One answer - Aunt G! Aunt G took you straight from my arms the second she sat down and didn't give you back until the end of the show!! She fed you and burped you and held you, all while you sat peacefully in her arms! Such a sweet baby, and clearly a sweet aunt, huh!
After the show we went to a little reception and Papa Rob showed you off to all his friends. Mommy even got to introduce you to her first grade teacher, Mrs. Brown. She's Mommy's all time favorite teacher, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that she was our next door neighbor growing up. And she had the Pac-man arcade game! She's a super sweet lady and was very eager to meet you, as she had heard lots of sweet things about you, from Papa Rob, of course. Soon enough, we headed to Mimi's, who was VERY excited to have both you and Abs for 9 days!!!
On your 4th Day of Christmas the Sawyers came to town!!!
On Monday, we (you, me, Mimi and Abs) had the intentions of getting out early, running to Costcos, and heading back to Mimi's to relax before heading to Mammaws to see all our cousins. All that happened, minus the relaxing part! We got out early, but on our way to Mammaws I realized that Costco didn't open until 10, and it was 8:30! So, we helped Mammaw with a few things around the house and you played with Pawpaw. Finally we headed out, making a quick stop at Target, and made it to Costco just when it opened. Now, let me just tell you. I have never spent this much time in Costco! We did have 3 different people shopping (me, Mimi, and Mammaw) and 3 different shopping carts, but man alive, it just took forever. You did great the entire time, but a big part of that was because Mimi fed you right when we got there. Unfortunately, you weren't happy at first because Mommy THOUGHT she had a bottle in the bag but it was an empty bottle!!! Ahhh! Thankfully we were at a super warehouse where they have PLENTY of your milk, so I ran and bought some, went to the concession stand, asked for 'luke warm water', got a very large glass of pretty hot water, and mixed you up a concoction that apparently quenched your thirst perfectly!
After Costco, we headed to drop Mammaw off (after a small panic of almost running out of gas - totally my fault) and then dropped our stuff off at Mimi's and got a little cleaned up just to head back to Mammaws. Why you ask, because the Sawyers were in from Houston AND it was Sarah's big 1-0 birthday! What a party we had! Everyone, and I mean everyone was there to celebrate. We had tons of fun catching up with everyone and Mimi did a good job babysitting you while Mommy was 'on vacation'! I deserved it after the stressful day at Costco :) Sarah and Emery and Lizzy were eager to meet you and Sarah was so nervous to hold you. She tried, but you didn't care for her holding position, so you whined a little and it totally scared her!! And Emery, well, he's Emery. I saw him sneaking a peek at you here an there, when he wasn't being Emery!!! A fun, fun, fun (and late) night, but we were ALL ready for bed!
On your 5th Day of Christmas you got a rather slow, relaxing day...
But at the expense of Mommy's dear friend's little girl getting strep throat. Oh man, I was so sad. On Tuesday, we were supposed to meet Mommy's good, good friend, Erin and her 3 little girls and hang out with them all day. We've had this planned since your Sip n' See (so like November) and Mimi even had her doctor's appointment and errands to run scheduled for that day. It was going to be so much fun, catching up with my friend, watching you play with the girls, or rather the girls playing with you, but on Monday afternoon, Miss Erin called from the doctor's office saying that poor Elizabeth had strep. She said we were more than welcome, but I quickly declined! The last thing I needed was any one of us getting strep, and she, of course, understood. I did tell her I was making her take a rain check though. So, with Mimi running errands, we were stuck at home by ourselves, oh and it was raining. And at the last minute, Ash-ash had a hair appointment she remembered so she brought Clara Lee over. So, me, you, Clara Lee and Abs. At Mimi's. It got interesting, no doubt. But was relaxing for you. You just chilled all day long, well, other than avoiding the falls and jumps and screamings in your face by your sister and cousin!!! Sarah did stop by, to get her some Kate lovin'...
And Mimi finally made it home and Ash-ash took the big girls, so Mommy darted out of there, I mean, took the opportunity to visit a friend. All in all, a VERY low key day considering the rest of the days of the week! We needed it. It's only getting crazier!
On the 6th Day of Christmas we had a baking day!!!
This wasn't as exciting for you as it was for your sister and 7 other cousins, but you still had a good time watching it all go down. So every year, we all get together at Mimi's to bake, bake, bake. Okay, not exactly bake, but the kiddos decorate, while we make a few yummy sweets to eat over the next couple of days. Mimi made her fudge, and Lizzy her toffee and we had LOTS of brownies and cookies decorated to a T! You did a little sleeping...
And a little watching...
And Sarah finally felt comfortable enough to hold you!
You showed off your underpants!
And got some bonding time with Uncle Bubba :)
Your cousins had a blast and I'm gonna guess next year you will too!
Oh, and this little rascal was sweet enough to turn your music on, constantly...
A great first 6 days of Christmas baby girl! It's so exciting introducing you to all our family tradition, and our family craziness! You're gonna love it sweet girl!!! There's lots more to come... Love you!