Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Marathon Weekend 2013

Dear Kate,
We had our annual Marathon weekend, despite the nasty weather.  We started things out with a super random breakfast with Lizzy and Uncle John (who live in Houston, but were here for Uncle John's high school reunion).  We met them at Pancake Pantry, but one look at that line and we walked down to the Pet Shop for some yummy food.  You enjoyed your bagel, especially after it fell on the floor.  Uncle John made a point to tell me that he was impressed with me and my mothering skills because I didn't get all panicky when you dropped it and then immediately put it in your mouth.  He thought I would be the freak out kind, little does he know my "5 second rule" usually goes no longer than a minute, or so :)
After breakfast, Lizzy came back with us to the house and eventually picked Sister up at school and then grabbed some lunch at the local deli in downtown Franklin.  Later that afternoon, while you were napping, Mimi and Ash-ash and Clara Lee showed up!  Everyone played/chit chatted for a bit and then we decided to grab dinner.  I made an executive decision to let you stay at home with Daddy while we went to eat pizza and what a wise decision that was.  For one, you were tired, but also it took FOREVER, as always.  
The next morning, Mimi, Mommy and Ash-ash headed to the race in the pouring rain...
But we finished it, and 15 minutes quicker than last year!  I guess that rain will speed you up, huh!

One day you will get to see us cross the finish line, but for now, we met you and Daddy and Pic-pic and Uncle Jay and Sister and CL at Hard Rock Cafe for some lunch.  After lunch, we made our way to Robert's for the annual celebratory get together for Mr. Rodney at Robert's.  You dazzled the crowd with you strong dance moves and, of course, that pretty face of yours.  After Robert's we headed home, rested, and let Daddy grill us some yumness.  We all crashed fairly early, not surprising, and woke up Sunday to a pretty nice day.  We decided, after breakfast, to head to the Franklin Festival and try out some corn dogs and ice cream!!  Daddy and Uncle Jaybee had some fun, too!
You pointed out every single 'pup pup' and wanted to touch every single pup pup, but when it came to this big old pup pup, you were just a wee bit hesitant.  No clue why...
Mimi even tried to get you to touch him while she held you...
But you'd have none of that!
We watched sister ride the horses and while I think you wanted to go, I was a little hesitant, but maybe next time...
After walking around a bit, we ventured to the amusement park rides to watch your sister have the time of her life!  You were held the majority of the time because it was smack in the middle of your nap, but you stood strong and even showed Sister how to hold her hands up!!
And she did!
Eventually we did make it home for that nap, something all of us wanted!
A fun weekend!  Can't wait for you to start running the race with me!
Love you!

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