Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two Weeks

Dear Kate,
Well, you are two weeks old and I just cannot believe it. Time is already going by so fast. As your sister would say "Slooooooooow dowwwwwwwwn". Please :)
You came home from the hospital on Wednesday and it did not take long at all to get you adjusted. As of now, you are a very laid back baby - just a smidge different than what you sister was. The first night was easy breezy because all you did was sleep! Of course, with all that sleep comes a little stress because you would not eat without me pretty much dunking you under water (no, I never did that, but I did have to strip you down multiple times to get you to wake up to eat!!). Look how sweet you are though - you love you some fingers!!
Thursday, Mimi and Daddy took Abs to gymnastics, so it was just me and you for the morning - well, until 2 of Mommy's friends (Miss Jill and Miss Alicia) stopped by to see if you really were as cute as I said you were. You, as expected, slept the whole time! I'll admit it, I was a little skeptical on the whole 'baby sleeps all the time thing' because your sister just did not do that her first couple of days, or weeks... So I had my concerns, but people, including the doc, reassured me that you were fine, that this is normal! Friday we went to the doctor for a check up...
If you notice, you lost a little more weight than what the doc wanted, so we had to make a few adjustments to your eating schedule - part of it being waking you up more! Other than that, everything checked out just great! After the doc, we made a REALLY quick trip into Target - i know, 5 days old and already at Target, but we covered you up and rushed through to get the couple things we needed. Shhh, don't tell anyone.
Friday night we did not make it to Mexican - thought maybe that was pushing it, but we did have a nice dinner at home and your sister got to love on you a bunch!!
Saturday rolled around and you had more visitors! Papa brought Uncle Jordan over to meet you and to give out a few hugs himself...
And then Pic-pic came in town and got to finally meet you!
And then, you made your debut with the whole gang!!! It was Mr. Jay's birthday and Mr. Lee was having a little birthday party for him with the whole gang there. We didn't stay long, but did get to visit for a little bit and let your sister blow off some energy with Ryan and Ellie and Baby Grant! I didn't get any pictures there, but I did get this cute picture before we left in one of your million matching outfits :)
Sunday rolled around and we all felt pretty confident in you eating and how much you were sleeping and Mimi decided she'd head back to Munford BUT she had to give you a bath first! Well, not an official bath, as your umbilical cord had not fallen off just yet, so she gave you your first 'monkey bath'! You will see, Mommy is a fan of monkey baths!
So Mimi left and took Abby with her, but just for a couple of days! Sunday and Monday were both pretty relaxed days and then Tuesday, Mimi and Abs popped back in town. On Wednesday, we had another doc appointment to check your weight and you gained!!! Not quite to your birth weight but enough to make us all relax! And another friend of Mommy's, Miss Kristin, stopped by to visit (and bring some yummy food) while Mimi did some shopping and your sister went to school. And then Thursday - the big day on Thursday. What did you do??? Well, you made your first trip to Memphis!!! I know, I know - already??!! BUT, it was either A) go to Memphis or B) have EVERYONE come here! So we chose option A!! We picked Abs up from school and headed that way. We did have to make a stop at a rest area and get your belly filled up, but it was actually a nice little stop. It was beautiful fall weather and we just sat outside and let you eat! Of course, you slept the entire time! But that's okay - I am NOT complaining at all!!!
Once we got to Mimi's house, you had some very anxious family members eager to meet you! Aunt G was ready to get her hands on you and she wasn't going to share!!!
But eventually we made her share a little. Here's Katie getting her share...
And then Em!John Michael looked at you, but he couldn't sit still long enough to get a picture!!! Oh and you did fantastic at your first night at Mimi's house! On Friday, we headed down to Mammaws to let her meet you... (yes, another matchy outfit - Mommys very proud of these because she made them/had someone make them!!!)
And then we headed over to Papa Robs for dinner where Gramma and Grandaddy got to meet you. BUT, someone hogged you the whole time so I didn't get ANY pictures with Gramma or Grandaddy - wonder who that was...
In her defense, she didn't know Gramma hadn't had much time with you. And, she gets you awesome presents so she can hold you as long as she wants!!!
Papa Rob was able to grab a picture with his granddaughters though...
Gramma cooked us a good dinner but of course you slept the whole time and then it was back to Mimi's for a good night sleep. Right now, you are waking up once in the middle of the night. Typically I can feed you around 9ish and then you wake up around 2ish and then again around 6ish. And, because Mimi is an early riser, she's been doing the 6ish feeding!! Mimi's good like that - you will see.
On Saturday, we had to get ready for John Michael's 2nd birthday (another reason we came to Munford!) and since your umbilical cord fell off (and because Mommy gets nervous about things like this) Mimi helped give you your first bath. And, of course when I say 'helped' I mean 'gave you a bath while I took pictures!!'. But your sis helped, of course...
As expected, you were content! And man alive did you smell good!!! We finally got to put baby lotion on you and, ummmmm, Mommy just loves that baby smell!! Once we got you clean and smelly delicious, we headed to John Michael's party (oh, and Daddy arrived in town!). I decided I would just wait to get to the party to take pictures, but I should have known something would come up. Unfortunately, you sister cut her finger pretty bad within minutes of arriving and well, I won't get into the long story with you, but she required Mommy's full attention for pretty much the rest of the party, or if it wasn't Mommy it had to be Daddy or Mimi. To say the least, she was not taking any pictures with you, and if I did convince her, it would have to be with a wash rag tied around her finger... BUT, you did get to finally meet Aunt Lynnie at the party and the rest of the family got to snuggle with you some more!
You slept through most of that party, but don't worry - there will be plenty of parties for you to play at with all your cousins!!!! After the party, it was just me and you and Daddy so we decided just to hang out at Sarah's house and watch a little football (Abs went to stay with Clara Lee). After you went through all 4 diapers I brought, we decided to head back to Mimi's. Early Sunday morning, we headed back home to Franklin and because we can't get enough of family we invited Aunt Steph and Uncle Jaybee and Ellie over to grill some burgers. Secretly it was a way to get Aunt Steph over so she could file your finger nails :) (which she did!!). Mommy HATES dealing with baby finger nails! And that's what aunts are good for, at least that aunt, right?!
So that wraps up your first 2 weeks in our family! Yeah, that's pretty much the pace we take - go go go. BUT, I really need you to SLOOOOOOW DOWWWWWN because I am loving you at this snuggly, smell good, sweet baby stage!! LOVE YOU SWEET KATE!!!!

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