Thursday, April 26, 2012

7 Months Old

 Dear Kate,
You are 7 months old!  Wow, a lot can happen in a month.  First off, HELLO TOOTH!  That's right, your first precious little tooth popped on through.  It's on your bottom and I'd say within a week  of that one popping through, you had yet another one!  Now you have 2 bottom teeth!!  You will be chewing steaks in no time.  You've done rather well with the teething, so far.  A couple times you've been fussy, but I don't know whether that's to teeth or just being 7 months old.  I can give you a wet rag and you are content.  No crazy fevers or terrible nights/days.  So keep that up!  
Because getting a tooth wasn't enough to do in a month, you also learned to crawl! Yep, you crawl.  Well, let me clarify.  You get from one spot to the other.  We cannot take our eyes off you, at all.  Now, you aren't officially using your knees, but you do what's called an army crawl.  You are all arms, baby girl!  But you go, no doubt.  You also learned to pick yourself up when laying down.  This was just in the last couple of days, so we are super impressed with that.  Sister let us know you could do it!  She hollered "MOM!!! Kate sat up!!!"  I thought she said/meant threw up, but nope, you were sitting up like a champ!  You are also eating like a champ these days.  You're eating cereal and fruit for breakfast and cereal and TWO level 2 veggies at night.  And you do NOT like to wait.  When it's time to eat, you want it and you want it now and do not want breaks in between.  I love it though.  Well, not the screaming when I'm trying to eat in between your bites, but I love that we're all 4 sitting at the dinner table each night eating together!  Soon enough you'll be eating what we're eating with all those teeth popping in!  Then I'll REALLY love it!
As I've mentioned, you are taking baths now with your sister.  So big girl of you.  You are also into swinging, especially with the big sis.  Who loves to push you.
Sleeping is going fantastic.  For a little over a week, you were sleeping all night, like no paci cries, nothing.  I'd put you to bed at 7:30, and you'd sleep until 7 the next morning.  This was also the time your sister was sleeping all night in her bed (well, Mimi's bed, but not ours is the key point here), so Mommy and Daddy had the whole bed all night long, no interruptions to go upstairs for a solid week.  It was nice.  For some reason this past week you've woken up to where I have to put your paci in.  It's just once a night, so I'm not complaining, but not sure why we had that crazy week of sleep freedom in there!  Again, no complaints, you are awesome at going to sleep and sleeping till 6ish in the morning.  And now we let you play in your bed for a little bit in the morning.
It's been an interesting and exciting month baby girl, and you are just as beautiful as ever.
Love you sweet Kate!!!

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