Thursday, April 5, 2012


Dear Kate,
What have we been doing lately, you ask? Well...
Mimi came up last weekend and played with you a whole bunch, and then we went to Munford to spend even more time with Mimi! You also got your 6 month pictures taken by Mr. Phil. You did excellent, such a happy, pretty baby. He even changed the prop multiple times because you were on such a role with that pretty smile of yours! After pictures, we headed to Mammaw's and Pawpaw's to spend a little catching up time with them. It had been since Christmas since you last saw them! Mammaw played and played with you and even got on the ground to play...
Of course your big sis got in on the fun, too!
And Mammaw tried to teach you to walk. Or well, I think you made her help you!
And then later, Pawpaw tried to teach you to crawl!!
After Mammaws, you and Mimi went on a walk while Sister and I went and did some jumpin' at Sky Zone. Don't worry, we'll take you soon enough. On Wednesday, we woke up and immediately headed to the lake! It was your first trip to the lake house (other than in Mommy's belly!) and we were all super excited for you! Once we got up there, you hung out with Mommy and Ash-ash and Mimi, as the girls rode their bikes and played. You loved sitting around in the sun in Mimi's lap and your pretty little yellow hat came in handy!
That night you got to sleep with Mimi, but I don't think it was because Mimi was being super nice. I think you gave her a little bit of trouble, and, well, she did what she had to do! But don't worry, you're sweetness and cuteness one her over immediately the next morning!! Speaking of the next morning, Uncle Jay got the boat out for the first time just for us! Another first for you! And I'm pretty sure it won't be the last because you loved it!
And even took a sweet little nap on Mimi! I love to take naps on boats, too...
And you even got to play a bit on the boat. And yes, it was when we weren't moving!
Yay! Our whole family loves the lake! Now, we just Aunt Ash-ash and Uncle Jay to invite us back a couple million more times!
How could she resist this cute face on the boat with her??!
We headed home that afternoon and on Friday, you and I hung out, ran some errands and headed to Mexican that night. On Saturday, we watched Sister play soccer and went to Mommy's friend's house, Miss Auburn. You were so not a happy person on Saturday, at all, and right when I was about to loose it, like right when we pulled up into Miss Auburn's drive way and you were steadily screaming your head off and I had my hand wrapped around the seat trying to give you a bottle, yes, while driving, you decided to cheer up and were such a sweet baby girl the whole time we were visiting! Ha! And, the kiddos all got a turn in feeding you. They were all so excited to feed you and you were happy to accept whatever food came your way. On Sunday, it was Daddy's turn to deal with you while Abs and I ran to Walmart. Not surprising at all, you decided to catch up on all that sleep you were missing the day before. Yep, you always seem to sleep fantastic when it's Daddy Duty! Just kidding, I think you just had an off day because ever since Sunday you've been sleeping great all day. But seriously, next time it's Mommy duty, give me a little slack. Thanks in advance.
Let's see... Tuesday we headed to see the Easter Bunny!! Your sister wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but she took one for the team and got dolled up and went with us. I think the fact that she got to match you helped!
We went and saw him at the mall and you had no issues what so ever with sitting in his lap...
I tried to get you to smile, but your sister was having a bit of a panic attack so we just took what we could get from you. We know you have a pretty smile, even if you didn't show it off for the EB!
Also that day, we practiced your 'crawling'! That's right, you are 'crawling'. I use quotes because I call it scooting, but Daddy insist you are crawling...

You also got some play time in with you sister. You two play so well together. I just love it!
On Wednesday, you went with Mommy to get her hair did. Now, you've gone multiple times, or at least 2 other times with me. It's hard to find a baby sitter for the middle of the day, so I take you along. However, I'm pretty sure that was your last trip with Mommy to the hair did place! You weren't bad, but you wore Mommy's arms out. I had to hold you the whole time because you didn't fall asleep like I thought you would and so you bounced and bounced and bounced in my arms and if you weren't bouncing you were squirming and giggling and laughing. Miss Lori loved the entertainment, but Mommy was worn out! Thankfully while I was getting my hair washed another lady held you. She was super sweet and really made you giggle! And really made Mommy's arms take a rest!
On Thursday, we met Aunt Steph, Ellie and Christopher at the zoo! Another first for you!
Your sister was real good about telling you what the animals were, when she wasn't climbing all over the place, that is!
You are sneezing in this pic, not crying, but I don't think you are allergic to the zoo! I'm pretty sure you loved it!
See, happy :)
You slept for a portion of the zoo, but over all we had a blast on your first trip to the zoo!!
So, you wanted to know what we've been doing lately???? Well, I'd say a bunch of fun! What a great week+ we've had! Love you sweet baby girl!

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