Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 Months Old!

Dear Kate,
You turned 5 months old! You are as cute as ever and are starting to be a little bit like the monkey that your sister is! No, you are not crawling, but you sure are squirming like a little pink princess worm!
We can't take our eyes off your or we have you buckled up, and sometimes both! You sit up in your bouncy seat now, so we HAVE to buckle you up there, and I'm pretty sure we're going to be putting it in the attic soon enough. You love jumping in your exersaucer and still love laughing at your sister! Don't we all. You are about to start trying cereal, so we'll keep you posted on that and you just got back from a week long ski trip. More on that later. You still are a good sleeper, minus the naps most days. Every now and then you'll surprise us and sleep over 2 hours for a nap, but no complaints. You still sleep great at night. You're sitting up so good these days, too. You even sit on the 'other side' of the bathtub - the big girl side! And you still love facing forward. Mimi says you like being carried like a sack of potatoes! Oh, and you love your toes! Love sticking them in your mouth!
Over all, a great month. You are healthy and beautiful and just a pleasant baby to be around sweet Kate!

Love you squirmy baby girl!

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