Monday, August 5, 2013

Sum, Sum, Summer time!

Dear Kate,
I think we're on weeks 5 and 6 of summer.  I think... All I really know is we are all happy to be home, like for real home.  So happy that we couldn't wait to go eat Mexican.  It had been WAY too long since we have been and our friends were all very happy to see us unexpectedly on a Tuesday for lunch! 

That Monday and Tuesday were mostly about getting back in the grove of things including grocery store trips and the gym and lots of time at home whether on the playground or in the playroom or even a little catching up sleep.  
On Thursday of that week, it was Kid's Movie day at the local cinema.  This was our first time doing this and it was fantastic.  For a grand total of $8, you and Sister both got a popcorn, a drink, fruit snacks and got to watch a movie (Mommy opted out for the popcorn but did get to watch the movie, for free since I wasn't eating the snack!).  And shockingly, we had not seen the movie - Horton Hears a Who, which not so shockingly, we all loved!  It's offered throughout the summer on Thursday's and I have made a mental note to add this to future calendars.  You did great considering you are 21 months old and only hopped from my lap to your seat like, oh, 4 times.  I call that a good day at the movies.  You did lose your paci and Mommy had to break out the flashlight and get on all fours to look for it, but again, not too bad considering!  Also, Ellie (and Kipper and Uncle Jaybee) met us there.  Afterwards, you met Alvin and (tried to) pose for a few pics!
 On Friday, we meet Jacob and Anna at the downtown Nashville library for July's puppet show.  Now, if you recall, we loved the first one.  For the second one, well, things were a little different.  First off, it wasn't in the same place (the children's theatre) but instead was in this big auditorium.  Because of that, we were a later than we had planned to be.  Secondly, or maybe because we were late, we did not get a great seat and it was REALLY hard for you, even me, to see anything.  Thirdly, it wasn't exactly a kid's puppet show.  Now, don't get me wrong, it was really good, but I think it was more for adults because it was basically the life of country music.  So all the puppets were country music singers and everyone of them sang a song, so there wasn't really any comedy in it, just starting with Johnny Cash going through the years of country music and ending with Taylor Swift!  The puppeting (is that a word, no clue!) was fantastic and the puppets themselves were funny to Mommy and Miss Kristin because they looked like the singers, but then again, not really, but it didn't quite keep you or your sister entertained.  And did I mention we couldn't really see?? Anyway, all that said, it was just so, so.  We'll be sure to sit that one out next year, or take Mammaw to it - she'd like it.
Right after the puppet show, we headed over to the Opryland Hotel to meet up with Mommy's friend, Miss Jenny - member her from the horse races?  Miss Jenny was in town for work and was staying there and brought Tripp and and Mr. Roy along with her.  It turned out to be a beautiful day and the Opryland Hotel is so awesome anyway!  Tripp and Sister played for a long time and you were very content playing by yourself in the baby pool.  That was until you started crying and jumping up and down like your toes were on fire, which I assumed they were because the concrete was a little hot.  After I picked you up and you didn't stop crying, I noticed both your toes were bleeding!  I have no idea what happened and we all looked to see what you might have stepped on, but couldn't find anything.  After lots of crying and lots of Mommy holding you, you found your happy place...
That night Miss Lauren came over while Mommy and Daddy went on a date.  The next morning, I couldn't resist snapping a picture of you and your sister on the monitor.  She loves you so much and you love playing with her in the crib when you wake up!  So sweet!!  Melts my heart!
After we woke up, we decided to meet Tripp and his fam at our 'waterpark' pool (Maryland Farms Y!).  Man alive, was Tripp impressed!!  You and Sister showed him the ropes and all three of you had a grand time!

Tripp came back to our house (with his fam) and we had a great night of grilling out and playing in the back yard and then a good nights rest! 
The next morning was a treat for you kiddos.  Mr. Roy and Miss Jenny are on this cleansing gig so I politely didn't tempt them with any yummy breakfast casseroles and instead took you kiddos to the donut shop to pick a couple to eat!  Okay, okay, that might have been a little mean, but none of the adults ate any, so at least they didn't feel the obligation to eat it!  Anyway, you didn't seem to mind!
And speaking of, you got a taste of your first Nutella bagel (your sister's fave!) and I'm gonna go with 'you liked it' - what do you think??? 
We had a fun weekend with Tripp and can't wait to see them here soon when football season starts. 
The next week started off as usual, getting things back to normal after a great weekend!  You and Sister made a fort and occupied yourself for a bit in there....

And you surprised me with this treat one day...
 I know, I know, I shouldn't put a picture of your poopy diaper on the blog, but you know, whatever.  What's so funny is Mommy had just talked to a friend about her daughter (who is your ageish) and how she takes her poopy diaper off in the bed - and it gets EVERYWHERE!  I was laughing, saying how you haven't even tempted it.  Well, look what changed.  Granted, it's only happened this one time.  But nonetheless, you did it.  You kept saying Poopy! Poopy! from the top of the stairs and when I finally made it up there (after Sister screamed real loud!) I found this.  You look rather proud, if you ask me!  
It didn't help that this happened as I was trying to get things set up for our company coming over to visit!  
 What company you ask?  Well, this was a treat.  So Mommy's very good friend (Miss Erin) all the way from 5th grade (so like a VERY long time ago) came to stay with us on Wednesday and brought her three beautiful daughters, Anna Lee, Elizabeth and Ellis.  I was super, super excited.  While we stay in touch on Facebook and every now and then see each other when I stroll through Memphis, it's very rare I get to sit down and have real conversations with her.  Miss Erin has always been a super special person to me, and her family, too so it was so nice to bring her to our house for a little visit.  They arrived on Wednesday around lunch time, although no one wanted to eat lunch, and instead wanted to just play play play!  Well, at least for a little bit. Then you went down for your nap and we headed to the pool (Miss Lauren stayed here with you!).  That night, we headed to Mellow Mushroom for dinner, which is always an adventure...

 You just made your way around with those big girls and they loved having a little cutie pie to play with!  
On Thursday, the big girls and the mommies headed to the water park and you got to stay home and wait for Mimi, who arrived around 11ish and she brought a special treat - Nachuuuuu!  
You LOVE getting in Nacho's cage and walking him and if YOU don't walk him, nobody walks him.  You have become quite the little angry bird if you don't get your way... Still Sweet Kate but man alive, you want that leash!  
On Friday, we took Mimi to our waterpark pool (the Maryland Farms Y) and met Jacob and Anna there, too.  We had lots of fun as usual and Mimi was quite impressed with that place!  That night, we finally made it back to Mexican with the gang!  Hooray!! and a lovely night to play outside afterwards!  
At one point, we could not find any paci's.  Daddy was freaking out because he was trying to put you down for a nap and when I got home, I found them!  All 20 of them!! 

Saturday was laid back with some gardening (thanks to Mimi) and some napping (thanks to you) and then Mommy and Daddy went on another date (thanks to Mimi) and you got to hang out with Mimi all night.  Sunday came and Mimi had to leave.  Because it had been a whole, oh, 2 weeks, since she last had you, she insisted on taking you back with her!  HA!  I'm serious.  She said she wanted some alone time with you and it gave me some one on one time with Sister, so off you went, to Mimi's house!!  She cannot get enough of you, can she!  
Sum, sum, summer time is continuing on!  Loving every minute of it!  Loving you, too!!  

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