Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween! (2012 edition)

Dear Kate, 
Happy Halloween!!!  Hooray, the big day finally arrived a were you ever so excited!  Okay, well, based on this picture, I'd say no...
But you sure look cute as a ghost!!  And within seconds you were even cuter with this grin on your face! 
 And then your sister got a little sassy, but that's what witches do, you know...

You should not be surprised to hear our Halloween was jammed pack with fun activities.  We started the morning off with your sister's ballet class where she got to wear her costume.  You didn't seem too interested in watching her, so I put you in the nursery and you enjoyed your friends (and toys) in there!
Right after ballet, we jumped in the car and headed over to Anna's 2nd birthday party!  You were supposed to go down for a nap a little bit after we arrived, but instead took a nap in the car over there.  I still tried once we got there, but I'm not convinced you actually went to sleep because within 45 minutes you were crying.  Oh well, you wanted to enjoy the party anyway!  You LOVED showing off your climbing skills to everyone and proved that 13 months does not stop anyone from climbing on top of a table.  You also sat at a big girl table (no booster) all by yourself and ate lunch.  I was a little nervous at first but you did such a good job of sitting the whole time everyone was eating.  I mean, there was that time you threw your whole plate of food on the floor, but you DID stay in your seat!  And for that, you got a delicious cupcake!  You and your sister had a blast, and I think I know something you may be asking Santa Claus for...

 After Anna's party, we headed home where guess what, you AND your sister fell asleep in the car.  Fine by me!  Both of you needed it.  I let you both sleep in the car while I got things together for our next adventure of Halloween - Daddy's work!  That's right, we did our annual Trick or Treating at Daddy's work.  Everyone gets so excited to see you two and as expected, thought you were the cutest ghost they'd ever seen!!!
 Your sister did a great job going from office to office saying very politely "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you".  You, on the other hand, found a sucker to carry the whole time and didn't even worry about getting any candy for your bucket!  You looked so adorable waddling up and down Daddy's office building though! And you did one time find a piece and went and put it in some random girls bucket.  So sweet, you are!
After Daddy's work, we then headed home to get ready for the real trick or treating at our house!  Mommy was super excited because this was the first year we've gotten to do it in our neighborhood and everyone was coming to our house to help!  Well, everyone who's anyone that is :)  Ellie and Christopher and Jake and Ryan all came over!! Unfortunately, the picture taking/halloween/messed up nap schedule/hungry/etc all got to you and this is the best shot I could get of all 6 of you (if you can look past Daddy's legs!!)

You were much more interested in our neighbors dog!
 And Miss Lauren got to see how precious you were!!
 Before the G's got there (and before your meltdown), I was able to grab a few of you and your sis and Little Red Riding Hood (Ellie!) and the Big Bad Wolf (Kipper!)

 And two scary creatures!! Watch out for them!!!
 I mean seriously, does it get any cuter?!
 As mentioned, you were not exactly in tip top shape by the time we headed out to the houses, but a little wagon time seemed to cheer you up!
 You enjoyed Daddy pushing you around and eventually Mommy carried you a bit, but overall I think you enjoyed the neighborhood as much as Mommy did!
And what shall one eat after a cold night of trick or treating?! Why chili of course!!
 Everyone came in and enjoyed a nice, warm bowl of chili, and maybe a piece of candy or two :)
You had a blast all day in your costume and Mommy enjoyed every minute of it!  So happy we have such an awesome neighborhood and great friends to share it with!!  Love you so cute it's scary little ghost!!!

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