Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Birthdays, Hayrides, & Baby Showers

Dear Kate,
This past weekend, we headed to Munford for a fun-filled weekend!  Things started off with James Welton's Halloween Birthday party.  You got to get all dressed up in your halloween outfit and scare everyone, because you were a ghost, of course!!

Sister was a cute, I mean scary witch and Clara Lee was a funny clown and John Michael saved everyone with his batman costume!  Ash-ash and Uncle Jay dressed up as clowns, too, but instead of funny, I'm pretty sure Uncle Jay was scary to you...
I'll be honest, with those eyes, I'm scared, too!!  Don't worry, you found someone else to make you smile...
We at yummy pizza and you may have gotten a bite or two of cake and ice cream!  Everyone had a blast at the birthday party.  And then this is where the fun begins... So, we got home around 8ish/8:30 and Mimi had to run John Michael home.  Daddy and Pic-pic were up at Mr. Michael's house hanging out so Mommy had to put you and your sister to bed by herself.  You weren't a problem (hooray!) and went right to bed, but your sister would not go to bed.  She was wired.  So, long story short, (or at least this part of the story), I laid with your sister for probably 45 minutes, then Mimi came home, so we switched, and that wasn't working after 30 minutes, so we switched again and finally around 10 your sister fell asleep.  SO, by the time I got her asleep, Mimi was already in bed asleep and the Daddys were still out.  I had noticed earlier in the middle of putting everyone down that it was mighty chilly downstairs and SUPER hot upstairs, so I turned up the down and down the up.  Well, it was still cold downstairs (where you were sleeping - sister was upstairs), but I didn't think much of it and just got a blanket and started watching tv.  Well, Daddy comes home and says it's cold.  If Daddy says it's cold, it's cold.  So he fiddles with the thermostat for a bit and then says he can't get the heat to come on at all. He fiddles more and says there is no heat downstairs and to go wake Mom and/or Pic-pic up to figure out what to do.  I go upstairs to wake them up and all I say is "We can't get the heat to come on" and Mimi gasps and remembers "It's not hooked up because we got a new unit a couple weeks ago"!!!!  Yep, so no heat downstairs, at all.  Mimi freaks, of course, but I try to strategize the situation.  Abby was fine in her bed, a twin bed upstairs.  Mommy and Daddy would be fine in the bed with an extra blanket (or two) downstairs but you were in the crib with just a sleep sak on and I went to feel your hands and they were FREEZING!!!  So, I thought I would sleep in the bed WITH you, if you woke up because it was cold.  We also found a portable heater thing, but it made an awful noise and, well, made me nervous the house was going to burn down.  By the time I got to bed, it was after midnight and by 1:00 you were awake screaming.  So I put you in bed with me and proceeded to wake up every hour concerned I was on top of you.  Good times.  What's even better is at 4:30, your sister came down the stairs crying for me, wanting me to sleep with her, and so Daddy and I switched spots, but you decided you were awake for the morning.  Yep, so Dad got up with you at 4:30 a.m.  It was awesome.  Did I mention I had to get up early that morning to head to the Race for the Cure?????? No, well, yes, I did.  SO, by 6 a.m., I was out the door standing in the cold air, waiting to win, I mean run a race! 
Well worth it though when you get to write names like "Nona" down!

To say the least, you (and Daddy, and Mommy!) were exhausted by noon.  You took a decent nap and Mommy and Daddy went to Sarah's house to watch the football game, while Mimi gave you beefaroni!! (and a bath!!).  And since Mimi's cold downstairs wasn't enough, we decided to take a hayride!!  I TRIED to get you to keep your hat on, but there was no use because you'd pull it off within seconds...

So I just wrapped you up like a burrito in a blanket!!
The cold didn't seem to bother you though, or maybe you were too cold to express any emotions, nonetheless, I think you had fun!!!

The wind did kick in to high gear a few times, but you stuck it out like a champ!

And you sister made sure to keep you nice and warm...

After the hayride, you and Uncle Bubba decided to climb a few trees...

And play in the leaves!
But remember that night that you had the night before, well, it was catching up with you, so Mimi got you dinner (and man alive did you eat everything! Ash-ash had to pull out mashed potatoes and mac and cheese and everything!) and then got you ready for bed at Ash-ash's house...

And you went to sleep while the rest of us roasted hot dogs and marshmallows!  Next year you can stay up later if you promise never to get up at 4:30 again, like as in ever.  Thanks in advance for that.
And for the record, we found another heater to put in our room that wasn't scary or made a weird noise, so we were warm that night, and you slept like a champ!  
The next morning we had to get all spruced up for a family baby shower at the McCormicks and man alive, do you two not look just as precious as ever on Mimi's fall decor?!  

You enjoyed yourself at the shower and enjoyed Bebe's company, too!  She, as always, was ever so helpful.  It was good seeing everyone and I think everyone enjoyed your cuteness!  
After the shower, we loaded the car, said our goodbyes to Mimi, and off we went, back to home!  A fun fun fun weekend sweet Kate!!!  

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