Monday, November 12, 2012

Ryan's Birthday Party

Dear Kate,
This week was fairly low key, I mean, other than electing a President and all.  For the record, I was rooting for Gary Johnson, but was satisfied that Obama was reelected.  I don't get too worked up with politics, mainly because I cannot ever find anyone that completes my qualifications for a vote and I have a hard time truly believing my vote matters in the state of Tennessee, but I am getting better.  Maybe by the time you read this I'll be one of those blasting my opinion on Facebook and coaching others to the voting polls.  And maybe the whole voting system will be changed.  Maybe...  So that was Tuesday, because it always falls on a Tuesday because of the farmers from 100 plus years ago.  A little fact for you I learned through this election.  SO, other than the election, we had our typical week - trips to Costco, gymnastics class, lots of playing outside because it's been so nice.  Friday we went to Mexican and I must say, it was AWFUL.  It's night like that, that make Mommy never want to go out in public again.  I don't even have a specific example.  You just wanted to be held the entire time by me, and it all broke down when I took your sister to the potty.  You lost it and never got it back.  Poor thing.  Maybe you are teething???? :)  Anyway, we wrapped that dinner up quickly and got you and your 'teeth' in bed ASAP.  Saturday morning was fantastic.  What we've been needing.  We cleaned out the garage!  Now, don't get me wrong, I don't prefer cleaning the garage out, but I do prefer just us (me, you, Daddy and Sis) throwing on old clothes and just hanging out together in the beautiful weather.  Daddy (and a little bit of Mommy) got a lot done and by 11 you were back in bed taking your nap.  Sis and I headed to lunch with Lynnie and family (who were in town shopping) and by the time we got home it was time to get ready for Ryan's birthday party! Mommy was super proud of these outfits I made, so I made you both do a little posing!
 You were all smiles!  And it continued at the party.  Ryan had his big 4th bday at Pump It Up, which you had never been to and Abs hadn't been to in a long time, but man alive you guys love that place!

This was the best picture I could get of the birthday boy.  I'm pretty sure he was having a blast!!
After playing for what seemed like 10 hours, we headed into the room to get cupcakes and sing Happy Birthday.  You, being ever so climby, pulled up right next to the big kids and were excited as ever to be sitting here...

What's ironic about this picture is, oh, maybe 2 seconds after it was taken, you fell right off and banged your head pretty bad on the bench.  In front of everyone.  And cried.  Loud.  I'm sure I will be getting calls from CPS for letting you sit up there but if they only knew all the other places you climb... Shhhh. I won't tell if you won't tell.
After leaving the room (and missing the birthday song) I decided it was time for us to leave.  We let your sister stay with Aunt Steph and the three of us (me, you & Daddy) headed to Cookeville to a lovely dinner awaiting us.  Well, your dinner was served to you in the car and a lovely bed was waiting on you, but nonetheless, to Cookeville we went!  You did fantastic and went straight to sleep and slept all night long, so Mommy got to enjoy her adult evening.  Sunday, we got up fairly early (i.e. YOU got up fairly early) so we were back in town by 11.  Never fear though, we did not head home.  We headed to Uncle Jaybee's to watch the Titans game and eat some yummy hamburgers.  Daddy was in charge of keeping you awake on the drive home (so you'd sleep during the ballgame) but within, oh, I don't know, 4 minutes he announced there was no hope - you were falling asleep no matter what.  So, you slept the whole way home and were awake the entire afternoon.  Hooray.  Have I mentioned you are in this major "I want Mommy and only Mommy" phase????  I mean, I'm honored, but seriously, every day, all day???  Cherish the time, cherish the time, cherish the time.  That's what Mommy keeps saying every time I try to go the bathroom and you are screaming right behind me.  You love you some Mommy, and, as much as I complain, I love that you love me so much!
After the game we headed home and enjoyed a nice dinner outside by the fire, which was perfect timing because it got COLD overnight and we will NOT be eating outside anytime soon!
A great weekend Sweet Kate!

1 comment:

  1. you are a fool to be "satisfied" that Obama was re-elected. He is going to ruin the country. You appeared to be smarter than that.
