Monday, October 8, 2012

CFA and Disney On Ice

Dear Kate, 
You had two very exciting firsts this past week. On Monday, we met Miss Kristin and Anna and Jacob at Chick-fil-A.  Of course, you've been to CFA before, BUT, you have never gotten to play on the playground, which is the reason you go to CFA, other than the free ice cream with a kids meal, and the delicious spicy chicken sandwich, oh, and the fact that a lady will come out to your car with a golf umbrella to help you and your kids not get wet when it's POURING down raining on Monday - yeah, seriously.  Anyway, Mommy let you play and while I was a bit nervous, I thought you'd be fine.  What I didn't think about was you climbing all the way to the top because, I mean, you are just one year old!  But no, no, I have monkeys for children apparently, and you had no problem climbing all the way up and around and into the car that sits there...

Thank goodness for sisters because your sister made sure you were safe for the entire 20 minutes you decided to hang out up there and also helped you down when you decided you had had enough.  And thank goodness you are a second child because Mommy has become a bit more relaxed with round 2 :)

Another first for you was your first show, particularly your first Disney on Ice show.  Mommy, Daddy, Sister and you all went to see Mickey and Minnie and a whole bunch of other friends ice skate around to fun music.  You were thrilled for the first 15 minutes, and even sat in my lap, but after those 15 minutes, you were ready to roam, so you did (we were in a box, which is the only reason we were able to take you, and the only way we survived!).


On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being "I cried the entire time" and 10 being "I sat in Mom's lap the whole time", I give you a 6, maybe a 6 and 1/2 :) You did great considering and I know you will want to go back, maybe you could even talk your sister into getting closer???? Love you sweet Kate! 

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