Monday, October 15, 2012

John Michael's Visit

Dear Kate,
John Michael came to visit for a couple of days and what a blast we all had!  They arrived Sunday evening, just in time to play with you before your sister came home from a birthday party.  Shortly after playing, you headed to bed, but the next morning was fun filled at Gentry's Farm!

John Michael was a big helper!
And you all three picked out the perfect size pumpkin!
And someone got a little upset when the bottle filled with wheat was taken away from them...
Mimi had so much fun watching you run around everywhere and finally was able to grab a picture with all the kiddos!

I'm not sure what you are telling Sister, but I'm thinking it's along the lines of "Please stop moving the wheat away from me!!!" because you ate some and she was being a good big sister and moving the wheat away from you :)


And you really enjoyed the hayride this year.  We had to hold on tight to you because you wanted to walk around the whole time!

By the time we finished at Gentry's, you were exhausted, seeing as we just passed on your nap.  We headed to Mellow Mushroom where I assumed you'd fall asleep on the car ride but you didn't and eventually fell asleep in the stroller.  It worked out perfectly because you slept through the entire lunch! We headed home and were able to play outside a bit and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Mimi and JM stayed another night and the next morning we sent Abby to school and let you play with JM and Mimi by yourself!  JM and you had lots of fun just playing in that play room, but sadly they did have to leave.  But don't worry, I think JM had so much fun that he for sure will be back to visit!!!  A fun, fall weekend with your cuz!  Loves you!

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